Upperclassmen serve as Ambassadors Each Year

Sophie Pranio
Senior (she/her)
Sophie is one of your senior CAP Ambassadors this year! She has a passion for politics, debate, and theatre. In her spare time, she loves to read, crochet, and play with her dogs, Mars and Lollipop. She is also an assistant director for a theatre group outside of school, where she teaches 7-11 year olds to perform Shakespeare. She believes that anyone and everyone can thrive in CAP and looks forwards to making her mark on the community.

Feven Hulgize
Senior (she/her)
Feven enjoys playing the piano and cooking. She also loves to work out and go outside. As an ambassador, she’s interested in making CAP a more fun and inclusive space.

Nigisti Asmerom
Senior (she/her)
Nigisti is a senior who loves to play basketball and field hockey. In her spare time she plays guitar, paints, and spends time with friends. She is interested in criminal justice and immigration reform and hopes CAP can continue to be an open space for everyone.

Camilla Chi
Junior (she/her)
Camila is one of this year’s junior ambassador! She loves all things politics and is a member of Youth and Government and the Esquina Latina where she connects with other Spanish speakers! She hopes that through cap we can make everyone love humanities even more!

Neha Narayan
Junior (she/her)
Neha is a junior who is super excited to be one of your CAP ambassadors this year! She is captain of Blair’s cross country team, and is a Taekwondo instructor for elementary and middle school students outside of school. She is also a member of Blair’s debate team and Youth & Government club. She loves to read and bake in her free time, and enjoys spending time with friends and family. She is looking forward to making CAP a more inclusive and open community this year!
We serve as liaisons to our CAP peers as well as plan events and activities.
Each quarter, the CAP Ambassadors reach out to each grade and recap their big CAP events. The newsletter can be found at the top of the home page each quarter, so keep an eye out!
CAP Ambassadors' biggest task of the year is to organize a day of community service for all 300+ CAP students and staff. Participants travel to various organizations around the area to give back to their community.