What IS The CAP Portfolio?
Dear CAP student, The Communication Arts Program (CAP) is committed to providing you with an authentic interdisciplinary education in the humanities and the media. In our program, you will learn a variety of skills that will prepare you for college and the real world: Group Dynamics, Public Performance, Research, Critical Thinking, and Writing are just a few of the many skill areas we will explore. We hope you find this portfolio guide useful as you navigate each grade level towards your culminating senior presentation. Your teachers have developed highly innovative, challenging and unique student-centered projects that reflect not only the curriculum across content areas, but that reflect our media-centered, fast-paced society. In this guide, you will find information about the history and philosophy of the portfolio, how the portfolio is broken down by grade level, and how many submissions are required each year. You will also learn how the submissions will align with one of five competencies, or categories, each of which reflect a number of essential skills that are woven into the curriculum. Your teachers will review relevant sections of the portfolio guide with you each year. Juniors and seniors will also serve as mentors to underclassmen throughout the process so that by the time a student graduates, all students have a vested interest in one another’s success. We look forward to working with you, and to celebrating your accomplishments in CAP!